Top 3 Breathing Exercises For Coronavirus Patients For healthy Lungs

Top 3 Breathing Exercises For Coronavirus Patients
 Top 3 Breathing Exercises For Coronavirus Patients 

  • The top 3 breathing exercises for lung patients are very important
  • Respiratory exercises make the lungs stronger to breathe effectively.
  • During this Coronavirus pandemic we must do breathing exercises
  • daily to make our lungs And Immune System strong to fight this virus.
  • Doctors also suggest breathing exercises because Coronavirus directly
  • affects the lungs.

What is Coronavirus?

(Covid 19) CoronaVirus is a new type of virus which is found in Wuhan

(City in China) 

How Corona Virus Affects Lungs?

  • Coronavirus is a disease that causes breathing problems.
  • Coronavirus which family member is SARS COV 2  which
  • comes to your body through mucus-like eyes mouth and nose
  • after entering your body the virus control on a host of the healthy
  • cell through that cell the virus multiplies itself more than 100 times
  • and affect the cells which near to this cell which was controlled by a virus. 

Here Are Tops 3 Exercises 

  • You can do it at the home office and also during quarantine.
  • If you are affected by Coronavirus or not? But you should make a
  • routine of these exercises for living a good and healthy life.  

  1. Deep Breathing Exercise 


 Deep breathing exercise helps to prevent shortness of breathing.

This exercise is good to do during this pandemic not only for

Coronavirus but this is a natural medicine for patients who have

breathing problems. To practice this exercise 

Step 1: Sit straight on a chair 

Step 2: Inhale air through your nose deeply. Hold your breath for 5 seconds 


Step 3: Put the air out through your nose slowly.Repeat this exercise more than                 

              60 seconds 

                            Repeat this breathing exercise 6 to 7 time the whole day 

 2.Lip Breathing 


This exercise helps you to breathe well and also make your lungs stronger.

This exercise makes you relax and it also helps the lungs to remove shortness

of breath. To do this exercise you should follow these 3 steps 


Step 1: Sit anywhere, mostly chairs.

Step 2: Slowly breathe in through your nose and close your mouth

Step 3: The air taken by your nose is now throughout that air by your mouth slowly.

                                              Repeat it 5 to 6 times the whole day

  1. Diaphragmatic breathing exercise 

      This exercise solves the problem of shortness of breath. Muscles also get

stronger by doing this exercise. This exercise is very helpful for lung diseases.

In this technique you will use diaphragm Muscle To Practice Diaphragmatic

breathing exercise Let’s follow these Steps 

Step 1: Lay down on the floor or bed and straight place after laying

down put your right hand on your stomach and left on your

chest slowly inhale air through your nose. 

Step 2: Keep air For 10 seconds now exhale the air slowly which

you inhaled 

               Repeat this exercise for 3 to 4 minutes and 10 to

15 times daily 


                              Hey guys these were the top 3 breathing exercises

for corona patients and lungs patients. By doing these exercises your

body not only fights with coronavirus but also lives a healthy life.

We also should wear masks and stay home to save our loved ones and

fight the pandemic during this hard time.

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