Top 11 Workouts Tips For 40 Year Old Women At Home - Exercise Razor

Workouts Tips For 40 Year Old Women At Home
Workouts Tips For 40 Year Old Women At Home

 After spending decades in the fitness industry, I wanted to learn how to make healthy lifestyle choices and have fun while staying fit. Over my 30+ years working with clients in various industries, I saw that many people struggle with their lifestyle and mobility, not knowing where they stand in their physical health or what they are doing right and wrong. They may be well aware of supplements and things to help them stay fit but often do not know about exercise. It is easy to see why it can become so difficult for most people who want to stay fit and healthy.

After learning from an instructor over the internet about 20 different ways to exercise, I began developing a simple and effective workout program for my 40-year-old client, which I am sharing with you below.

Start With 15 Minutes Of Effort To Warm Up Your Body

Start by warming up through light stretching exercises and gradually increasing intensity as you progress and move towards higher intensity through your cardio and core. The goal of this workout should be to get started with cardio and then move on to heavier training and cardio exercises. This workout will take you at least 2–3 minutes depending upon your age and whether you are fit. You can start with using dumbbell exercises and slowly increasing the intensity of movement as if you are going swimming; then gradually decreasing speed when moving back to lighter exercises and eventually go into moderate movements. If you do not feel comfortable with hard work, just start with slow movements and gradually increase your heart rate and heartbeat. Hold a steady pace when going back to normal speed and keep breathing heavily while lowering your body temperature. Remember, when starting each round of intense movements, you can also rest for 30 minutes, relax and then switch off the machine or yoga mat if needed. Don’t forget to take enough water and snacks along with you to get fully hydrated and fueled up for your next session.

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Use Yoga Mat To Complete A Perfect Rowing Routine

Use a yoga mat and a pair of wooden rowing balls to complete your ridding routine. Stand still in the middle of the room without any shoes. Keep both hands on your hips and legs open with feet slightly apart with heels turned behind you. Make sure there is adequate space between both seats from your hips. Now lift your arms straight up until they reach above your head. From here, go down slowly back to the standing position. Then return to starting position. Repeat 6 more times.

Do Yoga Movements In Various Positions

You can do yoga moves from lying down on one side or sitting up (or down) on the other side of a table and extending your legs behind you. Take notes from the videos you can check online, and the best thing is; it’s free!

Keep Yourself Hydrated By Taking Short Stretches And Long Exercises

Use small stretches during ridding sessions. Go slowly through these short sessions and end with heavy moves. As you progress towards tougher ones, use longer sessions. Be conscious if you don’t feel tired throughout because you might have muscles in certain areas that require extra attention. Use some type of foam roller or resistance bands to strengthen specific areas of your body. One good way to do this is by placing a towel under your shoulders and wrapping the ends of your arms and legs around the sides of a table. Once you get used to this pattern, try to finish it with long stretches. Try to hold onto these moments as you grow wiser and stronger.

Take Shower Or No-Shower Days Every Week

No showers? Well, it’s never too late! Not only does it help you stay fit, but it helps you stay clean and clear from toxins. These days, we tend to avoid showering as much as possible but we need one more excuse to bathe than ever. We spend most of our time using a shower, either from shower curtains, showerheads, or simply the water itself. When you shower yourself every week, you will notice that you feel less stressed and sweaty than you felt before. Exercise once a day to help you stay fit and fit again.

Go On Trip Any Weekend Any Day Of The Week

Traveling is a journey filled with adventure, adventure, and vacation! There’s nothing like being able to travel anywhere you want. Do not limit your trip to weekends, but to any day of the week, if you are ready to plan and set a budget! Have you had a chance to visit all over the world? How would you feel?

If it gives you more energy and you will enjoy traveling as much as staying fit, then take yourself a weekend off away. Stay away from home, save your money and travel somewhere else! 

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Take Some Time Off To Get Fit

You usually hear gym members say that staying fit and healthy is never too early or late. But after all these years and trying so many options, it seems like those excuses continue to come back up in the form of excuses to “stay fit”. Instead of taking time off or making sacrifices to stay fit, most of us often do a full schedule, or worse, cramming several hours’ worth of physical activity into a single day. You will notice that doing that not only makes us unhappy but often leads us to a bad fitness level too! So instead of sacrificing our health and staying fit, we should consider giving ourselves a little freedom and time off to do something fun. Even though it may just be for a few days or weeks, it will leave lasting results to show us and put us in a great health state. Just take 3–4 months of vacations a year and see what you need to improve your health. Enjoy traveling and go on road trips with your family and friends, get new hobbies, and explore places!

Keep track Of Calories Through Tracking Apps

If you would like to cut calories but are still following a regular eating habit like most of us, tracking calories is essential when achieving a better fit. I would recommend trying to choose apps that let users easily track calories through their phones. Here are some basic calorie-tracking apps that allow users to log their food intake:

Google MyFitnessPal, Amazon Fresh, Google Foursquare, Apple Watch — These apps are fantastic for tracking and logging calories while exercising for weight loss or improving cardiovascular endurance. 

If you are struggling with motivation to make changes in your life, here are some simple strategies for motivating your mind to stay fit and healthier. Give yourself reminders throughout the day, set goals or goals for fitness, and set achievable expectations for yourself if losing excess weight. You can even challenge yourself to change habits and improve your wellness. Doing things like getting exercise in the morning, going on nature walks, and walking in the evening, will encourage your brain to remember what makes you excited about exercising. Lastly, start incorporating activities that motivate you to eat healthier like cooking meals, reading nutrition labels, talking about nutrients, and being mindful of foods being packed with sugar, salt, and cholesterol!

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Drink More Water

Drinking water first thing in the morning also helps reduce the risk of dehydration and obesity. Additionally, consuming a meal first thing in the morning improves your immune system making you look younger and healthier!

Go Back To What You Love To Do

Instead of focusing on the things which keep you fatigued and unhappy, focus on what brings you joy. Find out what you love doing, and stick with it. Pick things you enjoy doing and do it for as long as you possibly can until you are satisfied with what you have. Find out what you enjoy doing and invest time in the activity you love doing. If it is outdoor adventures like hiking and biking, you might find a group outside to walk or bike as far as you dare! Get involved with a hobby, be adventurous, and give yourself chances to be a part of all kinds of sports. Working out can be incorporated with sporting activities and outdoor adventures as well. Although not everyone enjoys running, for some it can be the perfect remedy for stress and fatigue.

Mental Health Counseling

The biggest issue facing millions of adults today is mental health. Many of us want to be fit or healthy, but what many of us don’t realize is that it takes strength and willpower to remain fit and healthy. Often mentally ill people find it even more difficult to achieve long periods of fitness. Mental illness affects not only our bodies but also our brains, nervous system, and mood. Maintaining a balanced mindset will ensure balance throughout your entire life. Never underestimate the importance of asking for help or professional services. I encourage everyone to start seeing a therapist at every stage of life. Mental illnesses can be treated in many different forms including therapy and medication. Most therapists offer individualized treatment plans which range from individual counseling and guidance to treatments that include behavioral and psychological therapy. Professional mental service is available at all levels of our healthcare system such as hospitals, occupational, social service centers.

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