How to lose weight over 55 years old
How to lose weight over 55 years old 

Losing weight as a teenager is simple. You have to do a couple of exercises and follow some methods you will get results . At the age of 55 it is quite difficult . Weight loss is difficult because at this age our digestive system becomes weak. But you can lose weight at any age by following the below plan .


Daily workouts
How to lose weight over 55 years old 

                               Workouts are main factor for fitness in any age but here is question which workouts. Hiit workouts are very good for weight lose and also aerobic workouts they both helps in weight loss .Hiit and aerobic workouts are very good for cardiovascular problems and fat.You can join a gym and hire a fitness trainer in this way you can get results in weight loss from workouts 

Read More : How To Lose Weight In a Week With Exercise

Morning  Walk
How to lose weight over 55 years old 

                              Morning walk has many benefits . Any one can lose weight by walking 30 minutes in the morning which helps him to burn 200 calories. Morning walk reduces depression from a person.

Evening walk
How to lose weight over 55 years old 


                            Whether it is morning walk or evening. Walking is the best activity to reduce fat from the body and get into shape. Everyday walking for 40 minutes in the evening is the best activity.

Get plenty of water

How to lose weight over 55 years old 

                                            An average person drinks around 6 glasses of water daily for the body. Which improves digestion,cardiovascular system,salvia,body performance etc .Now coming to weight loss water is the most important factor for weight loss drink plenty of water daily which helps metabolism system and increases calories burning process.

Fruits diet
How to lose weight over 55 years old 

                    Why people don’t like to eat fruits which are most important for their health I don't know .Fruits contain carbohydrates,soluble fats,vitamins,calcium,etc which helps the metabolism system to be strong. For weight loss Eat these fruits 

  • Orange

  • Banana

  • Apple

  • Kiwi

  • Grapes

  • Avocado

Proteins intake 

How to lose weight over 55 years old 

                            Proteins are building blocks of the body .Daily protein intake for an average person for weight loss is 2 grams per kg of body weight which helps our body to lose belly fat. You can get protein from Chicken Meat,Goat Meat,Milk ,Eggs etc


Vegetables intake

How to lose weight over 55 years old 


   After leaving foods that cause fat you need food to get fuel for your body performance.Vegetables are the gift from God to help person to fuel body and increase body performance .Vegetables that will help you to lose fat from your body 

  • Sweet potato

  • Broccoli

  • Spinach

  • Boiled potatoes

  • Cauliflower

  • Green peas

Avoid these foods and drinks

Avoid these foods and drinks 

                                                     The main cause of fat in the body are oily foods and chips and fast foods which people like to eat but they are harmful for health.So avoid chips, biscuits,soft drinks,oily foods,fast foods,specially alcohol etc

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